Different Translation Pricing Systems

Loc N Apps
2 min readOct 1, 2020


Translation pricing refers to the determination of the rates/costs of translating content from one language to another. A firm or an independent practitioner may even have multiple pricing systems set in place depending upon the type of project!

Following are the various widely-accepted Translation Pricing systems dominating the industry:

  • Per-Word: Per-Word Pricing System is one of the most utilised Pricing Systems in existence. It is used while translating a document/piece of content when a definite word count can be estimated before or after the translation. The word calculation conducted before the translation is called ‘source language word count’ and the word calculation conducted after the translation is called ‘target language word count’.
  • Per-Page: The Per-Page Pricing System is primarily used for handwritten documents, PDFs or Image files from which the word count is difficult to estimate (electronically). In such a scenario, the Translation Services charge on the basis of the number of pages that the document contains. Companies which need handwritten notes or other documents, often use this Pricing System.
  • Per-Hour: The Per-Hour Pricing System is usually used for previously translated pieces of content that need to be revised. This system is very useful for updating or editing content as the client is charged hourly instead of at a fixed page or word count as such estimates cannot be made while editing content. Needless to say, this system is very cost-effective.
  • Flat-Fee: The Flat-Fee Pricing System is normally used as a last resort or when the project is very complex. This system charges an estimated amount for the project but is very ambiguous in its processes as the clients have little to no clue as to the details of what they’re exactly paying for.

A translation service provider can opt for 1 of these pricing systems or integrate multiple pricing systems contingent upon the project at hand!

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